Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My thoughts on bullying as a whole.

A couple days ago, I was surfing the web, and saw something that completely disgusted me. It was a video of a contestant being humiliated and bullied on live TV. To make a long story short, on a show called the X-Factor, there was a man who had just finished singing the song "Cry me a River".  However, two of the judges (Natalia Kills and her husband) decided to "critique" the man on the fact that he was wearing a business suit.  They went on a horrific tirade, saying that the contestant looked disgusting, shameful, sickening, and that he looked like he was going to sew someone's skin on his face. If you have not seen the video, please look at the link below.


Many have been outraged over this.  Some people have even made reaction videos. And fortunately, both judges were fired after immediate action was taken.  Now as for me, I do not have the proper equipment to make high-quality youtube videos, which is why I have decided to make a blog topic on this issue.  I have been frustrated over such a mean-spirited scenario, and I will get my thoughts and feelings out one way or another.  To Natalia Kills and her husband; how dare you feel so egotistical, that you have the nerve to destroy someone on live TV like that.  You literally have no remorse for your actions, and one day, you will see that you have reaped what you have sewn. It's bad enough to bully someone at all, but to do it in front of millions is evil, disgusting, and sickening.  My heart goes out to Joe Irvine, and I'm glad to see he is getting all the support that he deserves.  No one should ever be bullied in any way.

One reason as to why I feel so strongly about this situation, is because I have been bullied many times in the past, and I know the negative impact it can have on people. It literally pisses me off beyond words, to think that one can push someone around just because they think they are bigger and better than the other person.

On the flip side though, I am always glad to see countless bullying campaigns that promote putting an end to such an issue, and fortunately, this has been going on for years. At the same time though, the truth of that matter is that bullying may never end.  Now, I know that I may be sounding pessimistic, but I am just trying to get you to think.  As long as their is evil in this world, there is always going to be someone who is despicable, or someone who is looking to torment others.  Am I saying that bullying should not be stopped when it is witnessed and that anti-bullying  campaigns are bad? Not at all. In fact; even if bullying never ends as a whole, we can certainly stop situations from happening, and stand up for those who need help.  Most importantly though, as for anti-bullying campaigns, if they do help with one thing, it is this: they show just how much people care about mistreatment of others.  They give hope for a better future, and they teach others to take a stand for being treated equally.      

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